10 Best Home Remedies for Getting Fair and Glowing Skin Naturally

10 Best Home Remedies for Getting Fair and Glowing Skin Naturally

It is the dream of every girl to have a fair white skin, since it makes her look good and attractive beyond doubt. So ,here we give you some of the easiest tips on having a fair and glowing skin. If you are using these tips on a regular basis, you will certainly get a fair complexion.

1.Apply banana with milk on your face,  and neck . Try this home remedy as a beauty tip to get fair , smooth ,and glowing skin naturally.

2. Apply honey for 15 minutes. Honey can be used with curd, liquorice,  or lemon also for getting soft, fair,  and glowing complexion .Follow this beauty tip daily to replenish moisture in your skin naturally at home.

3. Apply bread crumbs with malai(milk cream) to get fair , and smooth skin which glows from within.

4. Potato or tomato alone is a good bleach for your skin. Use this beauty tip daily.

5. Soak up  sunflower seeds(chirongi) in raw milk overnight ,and grind them . Apply with a pinch of       saffron, and turmeric .This  home remedy  as a beauty tip makes even dark person fairer, and               glowing  naturally if used for a long time.

6. Lentil, curd/milk, lemon juice, and rice mixed together become a great scrub for getting fair, soft, and glowing skin naturally. Follow this beauty tip on alternate days.

7. Apply  an egg white , and honey for 20 minutes to tighten your skin .This home remedy will give soft skin and help to retain youthful glow to your skin.

8.  Boil cabbage/cumin seeds in  the water to make you fair . Wash off your face with this water to get incandescent glow in your complexion. Follow this easy beauty tip for getting facial like glow.

9. Mango peels mixed with 1 spoon of milk can be applied on face, and neck to impart healthy glow to your face.

10. Mix 1 spoon of sugar in the juice of 1 lemon. Scrub on your face, and body till sugar melts completely. This  home remedy is very  useful beauty tip for getting  soft, and fair skin for all over the body.
