Amla (Emblimyrobalan)
Amla possess qualities of both of a fruit and a medicine. It tastes bitter, sweet and cool respectively while eating. It is known to annihilate cough and vaat because of its bitterness and pitt because of its sweetness and is therefore called tridosh nashak. It is the richest source of vitamin C. It is important to know that even heating and drying cannot destroy its vitamins.
It provides strength to youth and potency to old. Chyavan Rishi regained his youth by using this.
Its blood-purifying, disease resisting and balveeryavardhak properties are unprecedented. All health conscious people should include amla in their diet.
Amla makes gums and teeth strong. It is very helpful in sinus problem, restlessness, heartbeat, obesity, tilli, blood pressure, daad, pradar, weakness of uterus, impotency, urinary disease and bones related diseases. Amla when mixed with honey acts like tonic for weak liver and jaundice remediation.
It can be used as juice, sauce or can be taken as powder with water.